SCAD Pro is a program SCAD offers where companies, organizations, or individuals can come work with SCAD students on designs, advertisements, campaigns, etc. This program allows students to take part in real-world work to gain experience and connections prior to graduation.
This specific SCAD Pro lasted 48 hours. We were tasked by the Atlanta Police Department to redesign their livery. The last one was made over 20 years ago in less than 1 hour because they needed something quick and the livery / vinyl installer was able to design it for them.

This new design was supposed to help the image of the police in Atlanta and make their presence feel more approachable and friendly without saying their weak. Rather than creating a design and placing it on the vehicle, I designed around the vehicle itself. That way it feels more whole, purposeful, and natural while also being easy on the eyes and cost effective.
Knowing this would be placed on the Explorer and Charger, the lines had to be adjusted to fit both vehicles with minimal changes needed in the design to fit both. My goal was to create something that had less of a story behind it and was more function focused.